Corktown Farmers Market2

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PICS: Corktown's New Farmers Market Is A Little Paradise

Corktown debuted its first Farmers Market on May 14 on the lawned patio of Detroit Institute of Bagels. The market is held every Thursday from 4-7 p.m. It was small, with less than 15 vendors for the first go around. There was a congenial intimacy that made the experience magical. What it did not lack was the healthy selection of fresh farm produce and funky treats like BBQ marshmallows. We look forward to regular visits and watching the market grow into its own. “It’s a neighborhood market...

New Corktown Farmers Market Starts May 14

If you’ve been at the Detroit Institute of Bagels in recent weeks, you probably have noticed the paved walk way and the fencing that his been put up and still a work-in-progress.  If you thought it was merely to enhance the establishment, which is definitely a bonus for anyone who parks in the back, think again. This newly developed lot will also be home to the newly added Corktown Farmers Market which will take place every Thursday from 4-7 p.m. starting May 14. The newly added lot was fund...

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