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Our guest on the podcast today is Steve Gursten.

He’s the head of Michigan Auto Law and has been named one of Michigan’s top lawyers by multiple publications.

Today’s episode is a response to many listeners who are seeing their auto insurance rates go up in metro Detroit, anywhere from 10 to 30 percent. 

That’s in stark contrast to what politicians, including Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Republican Senate Majority Leader Michael Shirkey and promised on the big porch on Mackinac Island earlier this year. 

They were reacting to mounting public pressure to do something about auto insurance rates. But so far, it seems that it’s turning out to be more selfies than substance.

Our guest says that things like redlining and gender discrimination will continue, all legally.

Gursten lays out a case that Michigan elected leaders basically got outplayed by Lansing lobbyists, leading to a situation where affordable car insurance, especially in the city of Detroit, isn’t going to be a thing.

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