If you’ve never seen the @dailyoverview Instagram account, then you’re missing out on some of the most unique and mind-blowing photos in the Instasphere.

Whether or not you follow the account, you should be aware of the killer photo they posted of Detroit Metro Airport a few weeks back, which features the sprawling McNamara Terminal in all it’s 5,280 feet of glory.  Check it out:

They also noted a few cool facts:

  • Detroit Metropolitan Airport covers more than 11 square miles in the Detroit suburb of  Romulus
  • Extending a length of one full mile, concourse A at the McNamara Terminalis the world’s second-longest ariport terminal building, second only to the 1.7 mile long terminal in Kansai, Japan
  • Detroit Metro is the 16th busiest facility in the US, serving more than 32 million passengers each year

BTW, if you ever wonder what we’re up to on Instagram, check out our behind-the-scenes feed @ DailyDetroit.