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On today’s show, we go to the Two Way Inn to talk about celebrating the 198th birthday this weekend of Colonel Philetus Norris.

The civil war veteran who fought on the Union side built a place now known as one of the best dive bars in America – the Two Way Inn – and more in a village called Norris.

Now, it’s the Nortown neighborhood of Detroit, and they’re looking to take Philetus’s old house and fix it up into something good for the community.

It’s an interesting story in a corner of town that doesn’t get a ton of headlines, and joining me on the show is the Two Way’s Danielle Pantalleresco. Here’s a link to the event Saturday afternoon and early evening if you want to go. 100 percent of the proceeds go to the Norris House restoration.


Ford is now covering repair costs on clutches for 560,000 Focus and Fiesta vehicles.

Soft serve shop Huddle is open downtown.

Ilitch property up in Farmington Hills will become the headquarters for Mercedes Benz Financial, and Royal Oak has a new interim city manager.