Posters are often used as a means to convey ideas during political campaigns or as propaganda.

This Saturday there will be a one day only exhibition called “Posters on Politics” at the Baltimore Gallery in the Milwaukee Junction neighborhood.

Donna Jackson is the artist behind the exhibition. She put out a call for submissions and received more than 400 posters from around the world.

Jackson narrowed down the exhibition to include 80 political posters from around the world. The posters showcase the themes that matter to those artists like justice, equality, morality, and peace.

The exhibition will have posters from artists based in Detroit and the United States but also highlights works from artists in Poland, Greece, South Korea, United Kingdom, Spain, and Iran.

Here are a select five to give you a taste.

1. Humanity

By Monika Ziobro from Poland

“A poster about humanity. We need to learn to talk and live together in a world full of artificial intelligence that kills in us human reflexes and empathy. We skillfully kill ourselves.”

2. Democracy Lost/Spain-Catalan Vote

By Olga Severina, United States

3. Coup

By: Dawid Czajkowski (Poland)

“On July 16th in Turkey began military action and the representatives of the army announced that they took over power in the country.”

4. Where Do YOU Come From?

By: Marijana Ivanova

“(This is a) poster on the subject migration. Most of the people in the world are aware and informed about the politics of the president of the USA is leading toward immigrants. My idea was to make a poster inspired by J. M. Flagg’s “I Want You for U.S. Army” for the 100th anniversary of the creation of the poster, regarding the problems of the immigrants and who is the real immigrant.”

5. Water is Life is War

By: Shangning Wang

“There are still a lot people living in places with a lack of water. Every year there are many conflict around water happening in the world. For them, water is not only life but also war. Save the water, save the world!”

If you want to see more, you can catch the exhibition at the Baltimore Gallery this Saturday, November 4 from 6:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.

The Baltimore Gallery is located at 314 E. Baltimore Detroit, Michigan 48202