Pull up your most stylish winter britches for the 2015 Grit & Glamour fashion show. This Thursday, February 5 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at the Penobscot Building (in the Congress Corridor) in Detroit, ladies will be modeling lounge wear, leg wear, and other garments and accessories. There will be light refreshments, a prize drawing and the show is free and open to the public, hosted by Busted Bra Shop. Donations are welcome.

After the event, there will be a cash bar at Athens restaurant, and Buhl Bar will celebrate with an after party until 10:30 p.m.

The group that will be benefiting is the Michigan Community Resources (formerly Community Legal Resources).  Their mission is to support nonprofit, community-based organizations working in low-income communities, with an emphasis on community and economic development by providing pro bono (free) legal services and technical assistance.

Also supporting what looks to be a fun event is Liz Tintinalli, Realtor | LIZinDETROIT.com, the Detroit Derby Girls, Detroit Sock & Stocking Co., Angelique Collections, Detroit Fiber Works, Eyes on Midtown, and Rust Belt Raw.

If you can’t attend, but would like to donate, check out http://www.mi-community.org/