Detroit’s North End is home to a brand new career center that will help bridge the gap between poverty and jobs for high risk Detroiters.

The North End Career Center will house the Goodwill Detroit’s Flip the Script and Center for Working Families programs.  It is estimated that the North End Career Center will help train 700 mostly at-risk people each year, including residents with challenges related to literacy, a criminal background and/or a lack of education.


“Here in the North End we’ve replaced blight with a beacon of hope,” said Wendy Lewis Jackson, co-managing director of Kresge’s Detroit Program. “Goodwill and Vanguard now have additional space for programming that benefits the community, Grand Boulevard has one less eyesore, and organizations across the city have one more model of positive neighborhood change. We’re proud to be a supporter.”

The building that now houses the career center was abandoned for close to 20 years. Vanguard bought the building and through a partnership with Goodwill they were able to raise the $2 million to redevelop the property.

JPMorgan Chase invested $1 million and the Kresge Foundation also gave Goodwill a grant for $750,000 to help fund the new the career center.

Goodwill Detroit’s Flip the Script is a program that helps at-risk men and women living in Detroit and Wayne County. The program helps those in the program gain employment by giving them training in areas like math, reading, and positive relationship development. Those in the program also learn how to become self-sufficient economically.

“Goodwill Industries of Greater Detroit is proud of Flip the Script’s measurable impact it’s had since 2003, as the go to program for job training and employment. Flip the Script has enrolled over 4,000 individuals in personal and work skills training and has facilitated 2,200 job placements.” said Lorna Utley, president & CEO of Goodwill Detroit. “As a member of Goodwill Industries International board I have heard that Flip the Script has earned national respect as well.”

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The Center for Working Families program is a partnership funded by Detroit LISC and United Way of Southeastern Michigan. The program helps families break the cycle of poverty by providing financial education. Those in the program are given financial coaching, financial planning/budgeting, income supports, workforce and career development opportunities.

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The North End Career Center will have six classrooms, and two large conference rooms. The center is fitted with state of the art audio visuals, sound and WiFi.

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If you would like to find out more information about Goodwill Industries or the Flip the Script program you can go to the here.

The North End Career Center is located at 2777 E. Grand Boulevard.