It’s not due to officially come into service until October, but the U.S.S. Detroit is already showing off as it has completed its acceptance trial.

Per the U.S Navy, here’s an explanation of the acceptance trial:

The acceptance trial is the last significant milestone before delivery of the ship to the Navy, which is planned for this fall. During the trial, the Navy conducted comprehensive tests of the littoral combat ship (LCS) intended to demonstrate the performance of the propulsion plant, shiphandling and auxiliary systems.

While underway, the ship successfully performed launch and recovery operations of the 11-meter rigid hull inflatable boat, conducted surface and air self-defense detect-to-engage exercises, and demonstrated the ship’s maneuverability.


In some ways appropriately, this type of ship is the U.S. Navy’s fastest surface combatant.

The LCS is a pretty handy piece of equipment. To reflect the needs of modern warfare, it is a modular, reconfigurable ship, with three types of mission packages including surface warfare, mine countermeasures, and anti-submarine warfare.

“Another thorough trial by the Board of Inspection and Survey, and another ship with improved scores and at a lower cost than her predecessor,” said LCS Program Manager Capt. Tom Anderson. “Detroit’s performance during acceptance trial is a testament to the hard work of the Marinette workforce. I look forward to placing the ship in the capable hands of her crew later this summer.”

The ship will be commissioned right here in the city of Detroit, and it’s home will be in San Diego.