Today my guest is Chris Gethard.

He’s the host of the podcast Beautiful / Anonymous, a show that tells beautiful stories from anonymous people in a most interesting way.

Each week Gethard opens the phone line to one anonymous caller — and he can’t hang up first, no matter what — and he doesn’t know where the conversation will go.

Anything can and does happen, and a live show is coming to Hamtramck this weekend as part of the Motor City Comedy Festival.

More on the Motor City Comedy Festival:

Also some brief news around town:

  • There’s a massive strike at GM. UAW workers want a better contract that makes up some of the ground they gave in leaner times.
  • Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan wants city council, then voters, to approve a $250 million bond to fight blight ahead of schedule.
  • And 20,000 defective streetlights in the city have been replaced, according to the Public Lighting Authority.

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