It’s not that we don’t like the holiday to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, it’s that we’re going to cover it in another couple of posts and we know there are other things happening this weekend.

BTW, don’t forget to Spring forward at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Do it ahead of time because from personal experience, remembering how clocks work with a Sunday hangover is hard.

Bunny Jamz! w/ Slugga, Jeffito, & DJ Nuri – Hamtramck

Come hang out at Trixie’s in Hamtramck on Friday night and listen to some great electronic music.

There will be six DJ’s spinning that night. The entertainment starts at 9:00 p.m. goes until closing.

There is a $5 donation for admission, and the drinks are pretty cheap at Trixie’s Bar. Plus there are video games.

Trixie’s is located at 2656 Carpenter Street Hamtramck, Michigan 48212

P.S.: If you are going to Hamtramck you should totally go check out MacDeath at Planet Ant and then go over to Trixie’s after.

Empty Bowls – Detroit 

On Saturday, March 11 the 25th annual Empty Bowls fundraiser will be at Pewabic. The fundraiser raises money for Gleaners Community Food Bank.

Those who attend Empty Bowls purchase a handmade bowl and then have it filled with soups and bread from restaurants from around metro Detroit. Some of the participating restaurants are Beverly Hills Grill, Lunchtime Detroit, Russell Street Deli, and  Sinbad’s.

Bowls cost between $15 and $40. There will also be a silent auction to raise even more funds for Gleaners.

Empty Bowls is really popular, so if you do plan on going get there early!

The fundraiser runs from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

Pewabic is located at 10125 E Jefferson Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48214

P.S. Get brushed up on your Pewabic history here before heading to Empty Bowls.

Women Art Show – Detroit 

This Saturday is the opening of the 6th annual Women Art Show at The Carr Center. The art show will run through March 31.

This years theme is “Our history is our strength.” I can’t wait to see who has impacted and shaped these artists lives.

On Saturday evening there will be a pre-show discussion about women in art from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.

After the discussion there will be an opening reception from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. The show, panel, and reception are all free and open to anyone.

The Carr Center is located at 311 E. Grand River Detroit, Michigan 48226 

Twister at the Redford Theater – Detroit 

The Redford Theater will be showing Twister in honor of Bill Paxton on Saturday night. This is a one night only event, so if you want to go you should grab your tickets now.

Last week on February 26 news broke that the 61 year old actor had passed away due to complications after surgery. The show starts at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $5 per person

The Redford Theater is located at 17360 Lahser Road Detroit, Michigan 48219

Skyline Sax – Detroit 

On Sunday afternoon Tim McAllister will be performing in the lobby of the Guardian Building. The concert is being put on by the Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings

Can you imagine listening to live music in the “Cathedral of Finance”? What an amazing venue. Sorry I got lost in thought of that beautiful ceiling, I’m back now.

Tim McAllister is a Grammy winning saxophone player.

Tickets for the concert are; Adults $35, Seniors $30, and Students $10. The ticket price goes up $5 at the door.