City officials say that Detroit People Mover is restarting service today (Friday), three days ahead of schedule.

There were various rail and switch replacements made to the track. The Detroit People Mover has been in service since 1987.

It was designed as a downtown circulator for a larger, regional subway system that never came to fruition because local leaders could not agree on plans, so the federal government revoked the $600 million in funding for the larger system.

“We’re happy to reopen early for our patrons, thanks to the efforts of the employees and contractors on our project team,” said Hansen. “Mobility, accessibility and convenience are always benefits of public transportation, and the People Mover will continue to make system improvements in order to be that resource for residents, workers and visitors.”

The People Mover is expected to be in demand starting with the Tigers series and GM River Days, Friday through Sunday on the city’s riverfront (our guide here).

Fireworks festivities follow on Monday and the Points of Light Conference at COBO Center round out the week. Standard operating hours will be in effect.

As a special note, the Renaissance Center and Millender Center stations will close at 6:00 p.m. Monday for the Ford Fireworks, but the rest of the system will remain operational.