Oktoberfests are a thing, and the city of Warren’s first Oktoberfest will be September 30 at the north pavilion of Halmich Park.

The event will run from 12 noon to 9 p.m. and will feature something people may not think of Warren for at first blush — Microbreweries. Three of them, all based in Warren, will power the Oktoberfest.

Some of the beer offerings include:

  • “Dark Heathen,” a joint venture between Dragonmead and Kuhnhenn
  • Dragonmead: Earl Spit Stout; an Oktoberfest brew; and a kolsch
  • Kuhnhenn: Fluffer; a grapefruit wit beer; and their own Oktoberfest
  • Falling Down: Ninja Chicken American pale ale; a hard cider; and a beer to be named later

But it’s not just about the beers. There will be food trucks, live music and games, too.

Food offerings will include the Chicken Shack, GoCheez, and the Mean Weenie.

On the games front there will be cornhole, giant Jenga, a ring toss and a stein hoist competition.

Entrance is $5 and beer and food are sold separately.

Halmich Park is at 3001 East 13 Mile Road in Warren.