Creepy clowns somehow are a thing lately, and this daredevil takes it to another level – a very dangerous one.

Video shot over the weekend that’s gone viral shows a man dressed up in a clown outfit hanging off the back of a Detroit Department of Transportation bus going down a street near some railroad tracks. The audio of the video above has some NSFW (Not Safe For Work) language in it.

Although the identity of the masked person wearing a hospital gown currently isn’t known, DDOT buses now have cameras and the footage, according to the department, has been forwarded on to police for review.


“The safety of our riders is DDOT’s number one priority and that is why we have significantly increased our Transit Police presence and have installed surveillance cameras inside and outside of all of our DDOT coaches. We have forwarded the video to the Detroit Police Department for review.”

We all prepared for the zombie apocalypse, but maybe it’ll turn out it’s going to be clowns instead. There’s been a craze this year of clown sightings across the country – here’s a map of many of the sightings.