If you’ve worked in any sort of communications field, you might be familiar with the concept of “Lorem Ipsum.” It’s placeholder text that helps you fill in a layout or a design to give you an idea of what something will visually look like.

Sites that provide it usually let you select the number of words and/or paragraphs. However, this site makes your visual project’s placeholder very… well, Detroit-centric.

Created by Jeseekia Vaughn, a native Deroiter, Engineer and Girl Develop It Chapter Leader, Detroit Ipsum will impress fellow Detroit lovers with Detroit gibberish for your next project.

Here’s an example:

Corktown Mexican Town Detroit Midtown Chrysler Ford Pistons. Midtown Mexican Town the big three Lions Quicken Loans coney island Pistons. Motor City coney dog Greektown GM Downtown motor city Mexican Town. Like A Rock the big three coney island coney dog Downtown Greektown Lions. Midtown Pistons People Mover Wayne State University Chrysler Midtown coney dog. People Mover coney island New Center Chrysler New Center Pistons Corktown. Midtown the big three the big three Ilitch family Midtown motor city coney island.

What words would you add to the mix?