Detroit’s food scene is getting more and more attention – and this one caught our eye because of the pure love for Detroit dishes.

The YouTube channel numbersixwithcheese, featuring Sean Ely and Corey Wagner from Chicago, recently did a food tour swing through Detroit and their love was high for Coneys, Pizza, and of course, the Slow’s Yardbird.

They even took a swing at the American vs. Lafayette Coney debate.

The pair normally reviews chain restaurants and has some local stuff thrown in, but here they hit a trifecta of Detroit staples.

“It’s been the best food tour of any city I’ve ever done, easily,” said Corey during the Yardbird video.

Below is their look at Buddy’s (BTW, Buddy’s is giving away posters and free pizza for a year this weekend).

After hitting up Buddy’s, American, Lafayette and Slow’s, where else should they have visited?