One of the sayings in Michigan is “if you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes, and it’ll change.” In the last couple of days, temperatures were in the sixty degree range. It happened across the Detroit region, but if you’re in Oakland County, there’s a good chance you got really dumped on by the snowstorm that leftat least 40,000 homes serviced by DTE Energy without power.

The snowfall on Saturday, according to the National Weather Service, shattered the previous Nov. 21 record of 1.4 inches set in 1893 after six inches of snow was recorded at Detroit Metro Airport.

Where was the most snow by county? In Oakland County, it was Clarkston with 15.5 inches. Rochester Hills, Ortonville, Lakeville, Milford and Holly all had a foot of snow or more. Macomb County was Armada with 10 inches, and Wayne County’s top number was 8.2 inches in Garden City.