City officials today unveiled their sweeping vision to boost support for arts and culture with a multi-faceted plan that envisions it as a tool to attract talent and use the arts as a catalyst for economic growth.

It will all be housed in the city’s new Office of Arts, Culture and Entrepreneurship, headed by former Detroit Free Press columnist Rochelle Riley. She said she spent the past year meeting with more than 100 artists and went on a listening tour of neighborhoods across the city to find out residents’ thoughts about how the arts could help rebuild neighborhoods.

Central to the effort is a new Detroit Arts Fund, which will solicit tax-deductible donations to city arts programs and existing assets. The plan also envisions things like establishing neighborhood art houses, job and entrepreneurship training, and help with promotion and branding.

Also on the show: We interview cannabis attorney Denise Pollicella about a new lawsuit she’s filing against the Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency on behalf of 11 businesses that have been shut out from obtaining recreational marijuana licenses in Detroit and Traverse City. Pollicella says the lawsuit address a conflict between emergency rules and the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act, which voters approved by ballot measure in 2018.

Last but not least, Ferndale Project is opening Saturday. That’s the new name for what was formerly Axle Brewing’s Livernois Tap, now owned by Eastern Market Brewing Company. They’re having a grand opening from 8 a.m. until midnight. Details here.

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