Any way you slice it, Detroiters love their pizza.

According to, Detroit has taken the number one spot in the United States for pizza lovers.

It’s a top spot we can be proud of.

Detroit beat out both New York City (third) and Chicago. In fact, Chicago didn’t even break the top 10.

So sad of a showing, Chicago. So sad.

SmartAsset analyzed data on 150 of the largest cities in the United States. They then looked at the data from five categories to come up with this list.

These categories included:

  • Total number of pizza places
  • Pizza places per 10,000 residents
  • Average Yelp rating for pizza places
  • Percent of pizza places with an average rating above 4.4
  • And cost of living

Detroit has roughly 1,050 pizza places according to the data. This breaks down to 15.5 pizza places for every 10,000 residents in Detroit. The average Yelp rating is 3.42.

What is your favorite place to grab a slice?