On the show:

Michigan is the first state in the midwest and the tenth nationally to legalize recreational marijuana. The ballot measure passed last month with almost 56 percent of the vote, and it became official law today. There are few key things you need to know before you roll.

Detroit’s Town Pump – a long-standing drinking establishment – is moving across the street. Their “one last pump” party is this January. Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/2216700125236311/

This one is just breaking as we record the show… the Detroit News is reporting that Fiat Chrysler will activate the old Mack Avenue Engine II plant in the city of Detroit. More, with info on the car being built that wasn’t available when we recorded: https://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/autos/chrysler/2018/12/06/fiat-chrysler-open-new-assembly-plant-detroit/2225735002/

The rent is high! A new report says that our very own Motor City has seen the highest rent increases of any U.S. city. Also, it costs 47% of the average Detroiter’s income just on rent.

For the first time in nearly two decades, the city of Detroit is back to borrowing on its own credit. The city sold $135 million in bonds with the aim of using it to purchase land around the city for eventual development.

The new Fort Street Galley food hall concept opens its doors to the public on Friday in downtown Detroit.

The Lions make their best pickup of the year: Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter fame as a possible fan.

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