Westland Mall turns 50, and what better way to celebrate than one giant birthday bash tomorrow, Saturday July 25 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. They won’t only be celebrating their own rich history, but Detroit’s, too. With 100 plus shops and restaurants, Westland has made quite a name for itself throughout the years.


Circa 1965, the first plans for an indoor shopping center in America were made and implemented in the former Nankin Township; You know those malls you all have come to love—you can thank Westland for them.

It was then dubbed Westland Shopping Center, which the town soon after took as their new name and what we know the city as today. It was supposed to be a kind of town square, with large internal spaces for community gatherings, and an auditorium, community meeting rooms, and the city’s first post office.

Built by JL Hudson & Company, the enclosed mall was the first to have air conditioning in the Midwest and was designed to help showcase the famed Hudson’s retail department store. Despite the store’s cease of operations back in 2001, the mall still thrives with Macy’s as its replacement.mdRysMh1pz30Y5TptfSMwDP0FXka--skJTgKIomd80g

The celebration this weekend will commence with remarks by Westland Mayor Bill Wild and dignitaries and Westland Shopping Center Representatives, followed by an interactive dance party to kick off the day. Music, prizes, face painting and party games for the entire family to have a blast will be at the center of it all, with even more activities to follow.


To commemorate the many advances that Westland has accomplished over the years, they’re celebrating in a Detroit-themed way. With Detroit-made merchandise for sale, there will also be a special appearance by The Motown Experience at 3 p.m. for a FREE concert with your favorite sing-alongs and world-class former vocalists from The Capitols, The Miracles and The Temptations.


In addition to all the Detroit love, regular mall-goers may receive $20 gift cards with the presentation of their $200 receipts from July 22-July 29, 2015. Guests will also be given chances to win gift cards of $20, $50, $100, to $250 and the grand for $500.

The Dance Academy will also be offering swing dance lessons that you can later put to use during the 7:15 p.m. performance of The Rhythm Society Swing Orchestra. How ginchy!


You can join their party at the Westland Shopping Center, 35000 Warren Rd., Westland, Michigan, 48185, this Saturday, July 25 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.