Ingrid LaFleur didn’t make it to the mayoral primary. In fact, she wasn’t actually on the ballot and had to be written in, where she pulled less than one percent of the vote.

But that hasn’t stopped her from getting a lot of media attention.

She was featured on the front page of the Metro Times, but now, the giant public radio program and podcast This American Life that was focused on the concept of Afrofuturism.

If you don’t know what that is, here’s a definition, per Wikipedia – although in the show, they’re clear that the definition is fluid.

Afrofuturism is a cultural aesthetic, philosophy of science, and philosophy of history that combines elements of science fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, Afrocentrism, and magic realism with non-Western cosmologies in order to critique not only the present-day dilemmas of black people, but also to revise, interrogate, and re-examine the historical events of the past.

LaFleur’s platform included a universal basic income for Detroiters based on digital currency. Here’s a segment from her campaign plan, referenced in the show:

In order to manifest true revitalization, we must consider the histories and oppressions of the majority Black American population of Detroit. The foundation of every institution–government, police, education, the museum– was built to silence, disallow, displace, and render powerless Black Americans. These institutions were never created for Black Americans to truly prosper. It’s time for a new plan and new systems that are healthy and prosperous for Black Americans, and as a result for all Detroiters. It is for this reason I propose a universal basic income. This will help alleviate poverty, increase financial stability and inspire innovation.

The show this week, called “We Are In The Future,” focuses on Afrofuturism, and the show dives right into an idea that is politically not in the normal lane.

Ingrid LaFleur, via her website

“The mothership is wonderful symbol of our future space, and for me it’s this reminder of this empowering future space … the possibilities of that, and how it’s always present,” said LaFleur.


The episode also dives into a mini-tour of Detroit with a guy who just lost his wife and was trying to date again, including a stop at Flood’s.

If your interest is piqued by this one – you really should go have a listen. Here’s a link to the segment.