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We previously told you about a project that would overhaul the Livernois streetscape, north of 6 Mile (McNichols) to 8 Mile. But it seems that things, at least for local businesses, aren’t going so well.

Jonathan Merritt joins me on the show today to talk about what’s happening on the Avenue of Fashion. He says the project — though he’s excited about what it will bring — is putting many of the businesses in danger of closing, including his own, Narrow Way Cafe.

Narrow Way opened in 2017 and has quickly become a neighborhood anchor.

Beyond the immediate things happening on the Avenue, I took the time to talk to Merritt about being of service in the community and what that looks like. After all, he has a unique perch in the city and region as a Pastor at Straight Gate International Church, an entrepreneur, and now an author.

His new book is “Step Out: Leave Your Impact On The World.”

Have a listen to our conversation in the player above, and if you don’t want to miss another episode of the Daily Detroit podcast, subscribe in your podcast app of choice free below.