[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/dailydetroitnewsbyte/Daily-show-Oct8-DETxTOL_mixdown.mp3″ social_gplus=”false” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” twitter_username=”TheDailyDetroit” ]

There’s a guy looking to build more connections between Detroit and Toledo than the Tigers and Mudhens baseball teams.

That guy is Mark Pannell, and his event series is called “DETxTOL.”

Both cities are experiencing a refocus on place-based entrepreneurship. That means starting businesses that benefit and serve a geographic place and also provide jobs in that place.

Mark Pannell

The goal is open dialogue and create connections between the two cities that are an hour and a half apart but share some of the same challenge, especially when it comes to starting a business and entrepreneurship.

In the podcast above, we chatted about the free event and what the goals are and why should you should come October 17.

Here’s the panel:

Alicia Wagner – Co-Owner, Fowl and Fodder (http://fowlandfodder.com/)
Dante Williams – Founder, Cutz Lounge (http://cutzlounge.us/)
Prakash Karamchandani – Co-Founder, Balance Pan-Asian Grille (http://balancegrille.com/)
Joanna Dueweke – Program Manager, ProsperUS Detroit (http://prosperusdetroit.org/)

Moderated by Mark Pannell – Executive Strategist, The C.J. Anderson Co. (http://cjandersonco.com/)

DETxTOL Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/det-x-tol-place-based-entrepreneurship-tickets-38009831429?aff=efbeventtix

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