My social and professional lives frequently mingle and intersect maybe because the city of Detroit has been a part of my life for well … all my life.

I was technically born a Detroiter and grew up a suburbanite. Tireman and Schaefer may not be what the quintessential idea of suburban isolation looks like to some but although I could see Detroit from my front porch. Dearborn was very much a suburban paradise growing up.

Over the years my curiosity for this city across the street grew and was only bolstered by my parents own familiarity with it.

Both have lived, worked, studied, and played there at various points throughout their own lives. Thanks to their interest, it sparked an interest that borders on fascination with exploring any surroundings I find myself in, and this is especially true with the communities where I live and work.

After having worked downtown for a couple years (no, this is not a Quicken story) and spending just about every weekend in Detroit I decided on an urban lifestyle.

I sold my home in Dearborn, turned over the lease to my car and embarked on pursuing the kind of life I wanted. One that immerses myself in the city I had grown to love and sharing my passion and exuberance with anyone willing to listen.

Detroit is by no means new to me (we’ll discuss the 239 bars and restaurants I’ve been to later) so this isn’t an account of my first forays into Detroit, nor is it about me “discovering” the city. This is a community I’m proud to join, but know it’s bigger than me.

I also realize that what’s mundane or commonplace to me may not be the same to someone reading about it for the first time, just as my experiences and situations might not be all that new to certain people.

What I will give myself credit for is a keen social awareness regarding people, places, and interactions and that will be the intended goal of this column.  I subscribe to the motto of an adolescent hero of mine, Van Wilder, who said “You shouldn’t take life too seriously, you’ll never get out alive.”

Devon O'Reilly
Turns out if you write here you also get a nifty T-Shirt. Outside of Queens Bar in Detroit.

My submissions here are not meant to be controversial, in-depth, political, or comprehensive. There are many better people than me to tackle race, equity, politics, and justice in this city.

What you will get in my column are observations, lists, rants, recommendations, and general accounts of tomfoolery that borders on debauchery.  I have a penchant for fine whiskey, craft beer, brunching on any day that ends in “y” and have a terrible time turning down any manner of invitation or proposition.

There are approximately 687,000 people in this city with unique lives, thoughts, and stories. Although individual Detroiter experiences will vary, this is simply an account of mine. Let’s tip back a pint together, and hope you enjoy the ride.
