None other than Snapchat and music star DJ Khaled is getting into the encouraging Detroiters to graduate high school. We’ve embedded the video above.

It’s all part of a push by Get Schooled and the Detroit College Access Network (DCAN), a pair of nonprofits aimed at improving college access and success to push the new Get Schooled Detroit, what they’re describing as a one-stop resource customized for Detroit students to help them understand how to prepare for, apply to and pay for college.

“With the introduction of opportunities like the Detroit Promise, it has become increasingly important for our Detroit students to have a place where they can explore all the opportunities available to them,” said Dr. Ashley Johnson, Executive Director of DCAN.  “We are excited to partner with Get Schooled, nationally recognized for its student-oriented resources, on this project.”

Here’s an explanation of Detroit Promise if you don’t know what it is.

According to Get Schooled Detroit, the program includes information specific to the needs of 9-12 graders and is organized into two digital badges. Young people will learn about:

  • Financial Literacy – Financially planning for college, budgeting, scholarships, types of financial aid, and information about the Detroit Promise
  • Test Prep – Test taking tips as well as ACT and SAT “questions of the day.”
  • College Admission 101 – An overview of the steps required to apply to college and key dates along the way
  • Extracurricular Activities – Understanding the importance of extracurricular activities, volunteering and community service
  • Exploring College Options – Encouraging students to explore college options near and far, tips on making a campus visit and advice on how to create a top ten college list that aligns with your interests, budget and current academic standing.
  • College Essay – Creating a framework to help students think through how to approach their college essays
  • FAFSA 101 – Why and how to complete the FAFSA, the gateway form to financial aid
  • Paying for College – Understanding financial award letters & making smart financial college decisions
  • Thriving in college – Tips for academic and social success in college

“Get Schooled has a longstanding history of working with Detroit middle and high schools,” said Marie Groark, Executive Director of Detroit. “We are excited to launch this one-of-kind of resource in Detroit that will support more Detroit students on their journey from high school to college.”

The site was launched Wednesday at DCAN’s annual College Day, with more than 700 junior and seniors from 14 Detroit high schools in attendance.