It’s Friday funday at the podcast and we run down stories around town as well as our favorite donuts.

01:11 – Devon O’Reilly and Jer share their drinks and their vaccine side-effect experiences

05:27 – Downtown Detroit bars and restaurants are real slow compared to before the pandemic. Will that increase as more people get vaccinated and go out?

06:33 – Local election season is heating up across the region. We talk about it for a bit, including quickly the slew of mayoral candidates. There will be more on all that in future shows.

08:56 – Local furniture maker Floyd raises $15 million in a series B round

11:56 – The metro Detroit real estate market is very hot, with people buying nearly half-million dollar houses without inspections and more. Here’s the MLive article we discuss:

15:07 – The “Big Salad,” a local salad chain, is expanding in Michigan. We discuss.

17:38 – Donut talk. Of course, we pay homage to Dutch Girl; but what other good options are in the region? We discuss the newish Yellow Light on Jefferson in Detroit; the retro Donutville in Dearborn; and Donut Cutter in Berkley. 

Which donuts reign supreme? We’d love to hear from you. or leave a message with our Speakpipe.

Also thanks to our episode sponsor, Fusion Marketing.