Downtown Ferndale groundbreakingIn May the City of Ferndale began a $1.8 million dollar expansion project to the downtown area that will expand Ferndale’s downtown from where it currently ends at about Livernois. This project will push the downtown district all the way to Pinecrest. Changes will include a consistent streetscape design, resolved accessibility issues, cosmetic and environmental improvement.

The idea of the project is to set the platform for economic development in the west 9 mile district.  Besides cosmetic appeal, the project will also bring some much needed infrastructure improvements including a water main replacement and road resurfacing.
The owner of Western Market, Steve Salvaggio, which located on 9 mile in downtown Ferndale said, “This project needs to happen, and will be good for businesses and the City of Ferndale, I support it 100%.”
The name given to the initiative is “How the West was One!”, and construction has already begun taking place.  The photo here shows Mayor Dave Coulter with engineers, county officials, and business owners and other community member who gathered to support initiative at the groundbreaking event.