The Downtown Synagogue (it’s proper name is the Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue) will hold a special viewing of the Holocaust exhibit “They Risked Their Lives: Poles Who Saved Jews During the Holocaust” on Wednesday, August 24 at 5:30 p.m.

This will be followed by a panel discussion lead by Holocaust experts at 6:30 p.m.

Both the display and the speakers will detail how the people of Poland put themselves in peril to rescue their Jewish neighbors from unfathomable hatred and certain death.

The panelists are:

  • Dr. Joshua Genig, Director of Lay Ministry and Associate Professor of Church Historyat the SS. Cyril & Methodius Seminary.
  • Dr. Guy Stern, Director of the International Institute of the Righteous at theHolocaust Memorial Center.
  • Dr. Jamie Wraight, Curator of the Voice/Vision Holocaust Archive at theUniversity of Michigan-Dearborn.

The program is offered in partnership with The Polish Mission of the Orchard Lake Schools, the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews (Warsaw, Poland). Named 2016 European Museum of the Year, the POLIN Museum in Warsaw presents new research that stimulates and challenges understanding of Polish-Jewish relations.

The event is free and open to all. Donations will be accepted.

The Downtown Synagogue is at 1457 Griswold in Detroit.