We are smack dab in the middle of the holiday season. It is easy to get wrapped up in all the hoopla, but sometimes it is nice to take a step back and help those who might need it.

IT in the D is hosting their December networking event that will double as a charity event at Falling Down Beer Company in Warren this Thursday, December 8.

This year they will be partnering with Operation Kid Equip and the Urban Benedictine Community (UBC) to help make this holiday season brighter for those in need.

It in the D has partnered with Operation Kid Equip for the past few years for a toy drive. This year is no different.

If you’re interested in bringing toys for the toy drive, make sure they are unwrapped. They also ask to keep the price of the toys to around $10 a piece.

The reasoning behind this is that the organization goes directly to the schools to pass out the toys, and it doesn’t seem fair for one kid to get a super expensive toy while someone else gets something smaller. (Plus if you’re spending less per toy you could always buy more toys. Why spend $50 on one toy when you could by five toys for $50?)

The second charity that they will be raising money for is Peace House, which is ran by UBC.

Peace House offers temporary housing for women and children who have had to leave a domestic abuse situation and need a place to go quickly. It takes roughly $33 a day to keep Peace House running. They will be collecting money during the event for Peace House. The money that is collected will go directly to the charity at the end of the evening.

If you can’t make it but would like to donate to the Peace House, you can do it on the UBC website. You can designate the date you would like your donation to be used for, and even make it in honor of someone special in your life. If you have been looking for a charitable organization to give a holiday gift to, this would be a great one to choose.

The guys at IT in the D love to have a good time, so this event is sure to be a good time. Podcast Detroit will also be there doing a live broadcast, they will have raffles, and prizes.

The event starts at 5 p.m. and will continue throughout the evening. So you can really pop in anytime.

Falling Down Beer Company is located at