Anyone who has been pulled over before knows the drill, fumbling through your glovebox for that little proof of registration card.

Thanks to a new law signed by Governor Rick Snyder, those days are in the past if you have an electronic proof of registration on your mobile device. It was sponsored by Michigan state representative Peter Lucido (R-36), serving part of Macomb County.

“As technology continues to rapidly evolve, it’s important that our state’s laws adapt to these changes,” Snyder said. “Allowing motorists to present vehicle registration to a law enforcement officer electronically is a common sense move that makes life easier for Michiganders.”

The law, Public Act 59 of 2017, allows an individual to present proof of auto registration electronically when proof is requested by a law enforcement officer.

It also prohibits a law enforcement officer from accessing any additional content on the electronic device while protecting the officer’s liability while in physical possession of the electronic device.