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Como’s, a longtime mainstay of downtown Ferndale, has been reimagined with new ownership and the culinary vision of Chef Zack Sklar.

The chef is doing something really cool in elevating pizza and having some creative takes on some old favorites.

But, really, how good is it out of the gate? 

Join us on the podcast for an unbiased first look at the place with one of our food contributors, Randy Walker.

Please don’t treat this conversation as a full review as places need some time to get their legs under them. But we did want to talk about one of the hottest tickets in Metro Detroit, and for sure Ferndale.

And yes, you should check this place out. Finally, the food does their amazing patio justice.

Also, Ferndale has some great patios. We talk about those on the show, too.

Enjoy some pictures from Randy’s dining adventure below.