Freddy Todd, longtime friend and early collaborator of GRiZhas joined the All Good Records family.

Freddy Todd is no stranger to the music scene here in Detroit. Known for his unorthodox percussion lines, extremely futuristic glitch and bass sounds, and tendencies to skip beats, on purpose that is, we can expect there has been a great deal of work put into his latest project.

Recently, I was fortunate to witness Freddy blow thousands of music junkies’ minds away at Electric Forest, with a nonstop surge of energy and enough stage presence to make you think you were dancing right next to him.

Wielding a key-tar and melting brains on the dance floor, Freddy’s off brand intelligent dance music has seen widespread support from GRiZ to iLL Gates, Gramatik and plenty of other like-producers.

His latest release titled, ‘Homework Did’, was released a few days ago and can be heard below. The feature track will give you a strong idea of what to expect from the glitch/bass wizard in the near future. The Khrysos EP is said to be released in early October, will be FREE, and will feature remixes from Bleep Blop and Space Jesus — just in time for winter touring season!

There’s something beautiful about growing in the music business, and that is how consistently a musician can outdo him or herself with each record, each show.

It’s great to see Freddy cultivate his own sound over the years and continue to bring new energy to the scene, as well as representing the deep rooted talent our city constantly offers to the world. Expect great things.