If you’ve been to Ford Field to watch a game, you might have noticed that the internet access stinks. Instagram often turns into Instaslow.

Ford Field is taking steps to try and fix that problem, working with Verizon and Detroit-based Rocket Fiber to now allow Wi-Fi access to all devices regardless of carrier and invest in a project improving the actual hardware around the stadium to handle the big crowds.

As part of the project, Rocket Fiber will be increasing the capacity of Ford Field’s internet to 10 gigs.

The new WiFi system has quadrupled capacity and new antennas throughout the bowl which will mean a better overall fan experience when browsing, posting and streaming content while at Ford Field. The price of the project is undisclosed.

Recently, Rocket Fiber upgraded Cobo Center’s internet bandwidth to 10G.

“In addition to improving the WiFi system to provide strong and consistently reliable connectivity for our fans, it was equally important to open WiFi up for all Ford Field guests,” said Detroit Lions Team President Rod Wood in a statement.

Here’s how it’ll work when you get to Ford Field. Guests entering the perimeter of the stadium can connect to stadium WiFi by selecting ‘Ford Field WiFi’ and accepting the terms and conditions on the authentication page through their mobile browser.

Some Verizon customers will automatically be authenticated, depending on their mobile device and operating system. In order to access the network, users will be required to disable personal mobile hotspots on their device while connected to Ford Field WiFi per the accepted terms and conditions of use.

Everything should be ready, according to Ford Field officials, by the time the Lions season starts.