Some firmer numbers are coming out about the investment Ford Motor Company plans to make for its new Corktown Campus.

Ford will spend an estimated $738 million to renovate the Michigan Central Station and other sites in Detroit’s Corktown neighborhood.

Back in June, Ford announced it had bought the land — including the old train station — for a new tech campus that would focus on mobility and self-driving vehicles. The campus will be made up of five major sites.

That purchase is partly aimed at attracting and keeping top tech talent, which is hard to keep in Metro Detroit.

The company said it’s seeking at least $250 million in tax or other incentives over more than 30 years to support the project, and that the development isn’t financially feasible without the support.

Ford expects to have the train station renovated by 2022. We have an in-depth interview with the executive director of Ford Land Roger Gaudette here in our podcast feed.