Seven cats were left in a covered garbage can outside the Humane Society of Monroe County on Telegraph Road last night, covered in their own urine.

“We will do everything in our power to find loving foster homes for these cats, until permanent homes can be found,” said the society in a Facebook post.

We reached out to Wendy Graber of the Humane Society of Monroe to get suggestions on what people should do instead of a blind drop outside of the shelter.

When it is a situation of immediate need for surrendering an animal, we will give them a list of shelters and rescues to try taking the animal to. Some people do not want to take the effort to call around or go to another shelter. They will leave the animal in our parking lot, on the sides of the building, loose in the parking lot, and even in cardboard boxes taped shut behind our dumpster (that happened as recently as last week).

We suggest trying other shelters or at the very least, leave it with us and not out in the parking lot overnight. There are municipal open admission shelters that have to take in the animals-we are not one of those. We are limited intake, non-profit 501c3. We are funded solely on donations and fundraisers. We have property for a new shelter, we just do not have the funds to start building.

Once the new shelter is built, we should be able to house almost twice as many animals as we do now.

If you’d like to help their shelter campaign or want more info, it can be found at

The shelter is also going to be installing security cameras to deter future blind drop-offs. They’re asking for anyone who has information about the dropped off cats to call 734-243-3669.

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