Internationally recognized, Spanish-born and currently residing in New York City, graffiti artists and twin brothers How and Nosm (Raoul and Davide Perre) are coming to Detroit.

Work should start, according to the AP, sometime next week on a 186 foot by 40 foot wall on the side of Quicken Loans headquarters in downtown Detroit. It’ll be next to another notable mural recently completed by Shepherd Fairey.

Previous reports have the pair doing an even larger, 354-foot tall mural on the side of the First National Building. No word if those plans are going forward for what would be the “World’s Tallest Mural,” though the report says that work would begin “in about a month,” which coincides with their arrival.

They previously worked on a section of the graffiti-filled “Z” Garage here in Detroit.

The twins will have a solo showing at the Library Street Collective, running April 23 through June 12, with a reception happening April 23 from 7-9 p.m. It will be called “In Between.” The Library Street Collective is at 1260 Library in downtown Detroit.

Let’s take a look at the bold style of How and Nosm that will be hitting Detroit’s skyline in one form or another with examples from other places.

1. Brooklyn

2. Miami

3. San Francisco

"Personal Melody"2012 Philadelphia,Pennsylvania USA #hownosm #philadelphia

A photo posted by @hownosm on

4. New York

"Ride or Die", New York, USA 2015 #hownosm #howandnosm #paintedcar #jeep

A photo posted by @hownosm on

5. Arizona

6. Rio De Janeiro, Brasil

"The Lifesaver" from summer 2011 in #riodejaneiro #hownosm #nopermission

A photo posted by @hownosm on

7. Stavanger, Norway

8. The Bronx

The twins have some unique paintings coming to Detroit – it’ll be interesting to see how they come out!