Summer might be a few months away, but it is never too early to start looking ahead for a summer job.

Enrollment has already begun for employers and students for the Grow Detroit’s Young Talent (GDYT) program. Mayor Mike Duggan started GDYT in 2015 to help young people get experience in the work force.

The city has partnered with Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation and City Connect Detroit for the program.

This year Mayor Duggan has challenged area businesses and foundations to hire 8,000 youth between the ages of 14 and 24 for the summer job program. There is also a fundraising goal of $10.8 million for this summer.

There are a few changes to this years program. This year the program will be expanding vocational training, providing opportunities to get industry recognized training certifications, and offering career internships for second and third year GDYT participants who are over 16 years old.

The program will be offering vocational training for 550 participants which is up from just over 400 from last year. Those in the program will have 120 hours of vocational training over 6 weeks.

Many of these students will be able to earn industry-recognized certifications that will allow them to gain full time employment.

If a certification requires more time the City of Detroit has partnered with providers to give six weeks of credits toward that specific certification program.

“GDYT is all about preparing our young Detroiters for their first jobs and ultimately their careers,” said Mayor Mike Duggan. “Youth participating in this year’s program will have more opportunity than ever to receive the kind of training and experience that could make them immediately employable.”

The program has grown since it was started in 2015. During the first summer 5,600 young people were hired through the program. Last year the program was able to place 8,100 young people with 230 businesses.

Some of the business that were involved with the program were DTE Energy, Strategic Staffing Solutions, The United States Department of Labor, Mrs. Marjorie S. Fisher Fund, and the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation.

For those interested in signing up as an employee or an employer here are the important dates.

February 8: Application Process Begins at
March 31: Application Process Ends
April: Applicants Contacted, Start of Employer Match and Interview Process
May — June: Job Readiness Training and Orientation Sessions
Early July: Work Experience Begins