This is a story, I mean article, about two women, Carrie Bain and Erika Devriendt, who are out to change the universe through storytelling. Bain is a self-described comedian trapped in a writer’s body. DeVriendt is just another girl and writer trapped in the world (and disclosure, she’s also contributed to Daily Detroit in the past).

Together they are Hey, Nice Monologue.

Hey, Nice Monologue is a new story telling series that’s first event is Thursday September 29 at Smalls Bar in Hamtramck from 9-11 p.m. Bain and DeVriendt’s vision is to create an event that is more low-key and locally based so “people don’t have to be so nervous about participating.”

Unlike other story telling series HNM is not focused on completion. Rather it focuses on expression, creative freedom, and acceptance.

“It’s not a competition; it’s just a bunch of people getting together to support each other. We have a set lineup, and strongly believe there is no wrong way to tell a story. While the majority of storytellers might verbally pour their heart out on stage, we also support storytelling through acting, art, music or whatever you feel like,” said DeVriendt. “There aren’t very many outlets in Detroit where you can just tell a story to a bunch of strangers. It’s practically free therapy.”

This month’s theme is ‘Rebirth’. If the event does well it will take place every month with a new theme. Lucky for you HNM is still looking for people to tell their story.  So send an email over to to secure a slot for Thursday to tell, act, paint, or dance, your story about rebirth (live births discouraged, but not completely out of the question).

Hey, Nice Monologue is on Thursday, September 29 -Doors at 8 pm / storytelling 9 p.m- 11pm

Smalls – 10339 Conant St. Hamtramck, MI 48212