We figured during this time when everyone’s cooped up, we’d share something to help you get you through the stay in place order in a tasty and relaxing way.

How does cannabis-infused grilled salmon sound?

Some listeners of our podcast put this video together, and they asked us to share. It’s part of a new series called “Cooking with Spags.” Chef Spags (John “Spags” Spagnolo) has been a chef to the stars and a restauranteur and the creator of Spag’s Hot Sauce.

So who is Spags? He says he knew he wanted to be a chef at eight years old, and at 10 he knew what school he wanted to attend, and graduated from the Culinary Institute of America at Hyde Park New York. He then cut his teeth and trained in New Orleans.

A passion of his is music, and he got to marry food and music cooking for Rolling Stone magazine, 50 Cent, Barry Gordy, Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson, as well as productions like the movies 8 Mile movie, Hoffa, White Boy Rick and American Idol.

Through a number of productions, he cooked for stars like Bruce Willis, Danny Devito, Jack Nicholson, Christopher Walken, Al Pacino, Dennis Hopper, Patricia Arnett, Christian Slater, George Clooney, and Matthew McConaughey.

So enjoy! Feel free to send us feedback.