This is your Daily Detroit podcast recorded on October 9, 2018.

Our guest for the show is Detroit City Councilman James Tate, to talk about the upcoming “Cash Flash” in Detroit’s District 1.

Your Detroit stories:

– Detroit’s getting yet another luxury apartment building, with rents in the $2,500 a month range for 1,000 square feet. And it’s going to be designed by a company, ODA, known for what they call their “Tetris-inspired boxy designs that build a sense of community in urban cores.”

– Ilitch Holdings, the company behind Little Caesars Arena, has made the decision to replace their boldly colored red stadium seats with black seats. Turns out the arena looks rather empty with all of the empty seats… and the red seats make it worse on TV.

– Former Detroit City Councilwoman Sharon McPhail has been fired from her post leading a struggling charter school on the city’s west side, but she’s refusing to leave.

– It looks like the permanent fix for the bad water situation in Detroit’s public schools will be provided by the business and philanthropic community, covering most of the $3 million dollar cost to install water hydration stations.

– Voters in Royal Oak will be asked whether the city should establish its own bus system called Royal Oak Go, or ROGO for short.

– If you’re looking to get out and see the world on a Wednesday after work, the Trumbull & Porter Hotel in Corktown has 4,000 square feet of custom murals and artwork made by more than 50 local artists they’d like to show you.

– And in a final note, Detroit is now home to the world’s largest linear friction welder after it was delivered on Tuesday to Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow, a public-private advanced-manufacturing partnership down on Rosa Parks Boulevard in Corktown.

Thanks to today’s sponsor, Milo Digital