Michigan-based Hudsonville Ice Cream has a new contest calling on metro Detroiters to help create the next flavor of its artisan ice cream through what they’re calling their “Flavor of Detroit Contest,” set to run from May 1-26.

The contest asks Michigan residents to help Hudsonville expand its family of Michigan-themed ice creams, which includes Grand Traverse Bay Cherry Fudge, Pure Michigan Winter Campfire and the classic Mackinac Island Fudge. According to the company, Hudsonville Ice Cream is the best-selling Michigan made ice cream in the state.

Contest entries must include a flavor combination and name that best capture the spirit of Detroit. The winner will receive a $500 cash prize and a year supply of ice cream. The winning flavor is to be revealed in early June.

The Flavor of Detroit winning ice cream is expected to roll out in the fall of 2017.

To enter, visit www.facebook.com/HudsonvilleIceCream and look for Hudsonville’s post announcing the contest to enter through the official contest form on Facebook. The contest kicks off Monday.