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Large projects like the new Fiat Chrysler America plant on Detroit’s east side that are part of Detroit’s comeback – and a lot of economic development in Michigan – almost always come with incentives given by the city and the state.

But does the math work? Does it make sense? The President of the Center for Economic Accountability, John Mozena, says no. 

One of the stunning statistics Mozena says is that the city of Detgroit spent more assembling land for FCA than they did on the health department that year. 

The Center for Economic Accountability is a nonprofit education and advocacy group that is for free markets without corporate welfare and central planning.

It’s important to note that I had the other side of this argument on the show earlier this year. On episode 277 of the podcast I talked to the head of the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, Kevin Johnson. He was obviously for incentives, so I wanted to get someone on the other side of the conversation.