Remember those three hysterical metro Detroiters who used comedy to raise money for kids with cancer we wrote about over the summer?

Well here’s a little recap. Three guys decided to join together to use their great senses of humor to raise money for an unbelievable cause, with zero of the profit to their names. The show, then dubbed “Laughter is the Cure to Life,” took off from the minds of three kids trying to make a difference. If you still don’t know what I’m talking about, click here.

Photo Credit: Jason Sachse
Photo Credit: Jason Sachse

The same three guys, Sam Silverstein, Nick Tenaglia and Jeremy Paczos, have not stopped since, and have made waves on college campuses and surrounding communities. Just as planned, their next stop was Michigan State University, where they sold out one of the larger lecture halls, and then some. While the capacity of said lecture hall is a mere 600 people, the team sold well beyond that; bodies crowded the aisle ways from the doors leading to the stage. Fire hazard? Maybe, but the laughs were worth every risk.

“The atmosphere, the people sitting on the steps, standing in the back, everyone was happy, having fun and in a good mood. Making 600 plus people laugh is amazing and the whole performance is an addiction,” Silverstein said.

Comprised of Silverstein’s fraternity brothers, plenty of other supporting MSU Greek life, friends, family and many others of whom have no relation to the cast or crew of the show, the atmosphere was diverse. There was a lighthearted vibe that overtook the lecture hall, making for a great show.

“The crowd was great, right from the beginning of the show. There was a high intensity, and the show is short so nothing gets too dragged on. The best part was that the crowd wanted us to do well, which made our jobs that much easier,” Tenaglia said.

Photo: Jason Sachse
Photo: Jason Sachse

While the turn out was impressive, the MSU show raised $5,000, doubling the overall amount from past shows and endeavors. Now at a whopping $10,000, the team continues to make a name for their self, while people take notice.

Videography companies have offered to record the shows free of charge, while Fox 2 News, the Oakland Press and others have already made steps to cover the story.

Sponsors are also already in the works, as well as joining the ranks as a nonprofit, Silverstein disclosed. “Laughter is the Cure to Life” is a name that is already taking college campuses by storm, with two upcoming shows at the University of Michigan and Ohio State University.

As to not give anything away, the show follows a plot comprised of stand-up comedy, abstract talents and well thought-out, hilarious videos. Both Tengalia and Silverstein guide the course of the show through their comedy and unique individual standups. Behind the scenes, Paczos helps to make the show all possible with his talents in graphic design and videography.

While both Tenaglia and Silverstein continue to focus on their careers as comedians, they intend to keep the show afloat for as long as possible and to continue to make donations to C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. According to Tenaglia, he initially thought the shows would just be family and friends, he had no idea what it would turn into or where it would go.

And in the words of Silverstein, “Life is what you’re willing to fail at again and again and still be happy. You’re more than happy to keep failing because it’s for something you love to do.”