The news that Ford purchased Michigan Central Station from the Moroun Family was the biggest headline of the day for those of us who live in metro Detroit.

Sven Gustafson on our Daily Detroit News Byte podcast spoke with author and historian Dan Austin about the news. Austin is the curator for the website Historic Detroit He is also our go to guy when it comes to historical architecture in Detroit.

The interview covers Austin’s reaction, some history of the train station, what this could mean for the city of Detroit, and what other buildings Austin would love to see restored.

Postcard of Michigan Central Station c. 1915

Here are some highlights of the interview:

7:54- Austin’s reaction to the news.

9:30- Austin’s reasoning for why Michigan Central Station was the symbol of Detroit’s rise and fall.

12:05- Looking back at some failed proposals over the years.  Like Kwame Kilpatrick’s bid to turn the station into the police headquarters and why the depot was never demolished.

14:23- Austin reflects on some buildings that were demolished before Detroit’s turn around, and underscores the value of historic architecture.

16:49- Sven and Austin speculate on how much money Ford will have to spend to renovate and restore the MCS.

19:20- How will the city of Detroit benefit from Ford employees working in the city.

20:25- Austin talks about the last time he was inside MCS, and what he saw when he was inside the building.

22:40- So now that MCS has a brighter future, what are some other buildings that could use some love? Austin gives his top picks.