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Today, we step back to Detroit in the 1930s at a bar that was open (well, as an ice cream shop during the prohibition part) to talk to Karen Dybis.

She’s an author of a few books, but her latest promises from what we’ve seen to be a great read. “The Witch of Delray: Rose Veres & Detroit’s Infamous 1930s Murder Mystery” is a true crime book that’s set in Detroit’s Delray neighborhood.

Dybis is a former newspaper reporter, and utilized that background as well as her colorful style paint a picture of a city and a boarding house where, as she says, renters walk in and pine boxes come out.

So join Sven Gustafson for a great conversation on the back patio of Nancy Whiskey’s.

To pre-order the book that comes out October 30 from The History Press on Amazon, go here: https://www.amazon.com/Witch-Delray-Detroits-Infamous-Mystery/dp/1467137545 or support your local independent book store.

Thanks to Podcast Detroit for their support of the Daily Detroit Happy Hour: http://www.podcastdetroit.com

Also, if you want to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, you can do so here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-daily-detroit-happy-hour/id1168444594?mt=2

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