Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and former Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr share some pretty lofty company, including Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, Mark Zuckerberg the Founder of Facebook,  and the Pope on this one … being named one of the 50 World’s Greatest Leaders by Fortune Magazine.

It’s interesting to note as Duggan is the only official who works in government in the United States on the list. Not a single Senator, Governor, House member, or anyone else for that matter who received a vote by the citizens to get into their position.

Just… Mayor Mike Duggan, who joins a list of high praise, being called a “living lesson.”

Governments are failing, companies are under siege, and age-old institutions are losing their grip. How do you lead in a time when everyone is a free agent, following his own star? We’ve found 50 living lessons.

It’s interesting to see how the country has embraced the Mayor, faced with a herculean task of turning around the behemoth that is the City of Detroit. Both worked together to get the city out bankruptcy. Here’s what Forbes said:

The nation’s largest-ever municipal bankruptcy could have been a disaster. It was anything but. Orr aggressively shrank the city’s obligations to bondholders and set the stage for a complete financial overhaul. In his first year in office, Duggan proved a driven and effective manager, installing over 20,000 new streetlights, shortening emergency response times, and balancing the city budget for the first time in over a decade.

The pair is number 20 on the list.

H/T – Fortune