Welcome back to Daily Detroit, your podcast for everything Metro Detroit!

Today, we’re talking about the crisis of talent attraction and retention in Southeast Michigan.

With me is Jayme Powell, the executive director of the Detroit Regional Workforce Partnership. Jayme talks about how her organization connects employers with local schools and community partners to build a strong talent pool in Southeast Michigan.

We discuss the challenges and benefits of this approach, like the need for lasting results and the urgent issue of low workforce engagement. A stunning fact is 500,000 working-age people in the tri-county area of Oakland, Macomb and Wayne are not working, facing problems like expensive childcare and unreliable transit and transportation.

Powell also talks about the need for continuous learning due to fast-changing technology. We explore how employers and schools can better work together to meet current and future job needs.

This is a crisis - and though some areas of the region may feel like they’re doing well, we need to work on how we compete in a national context. In policy, Jayme supports the working parent tax credit and changing licensing rules for returning citizens.

She stresses the need for policies that help working families and remove job barriers. Don’t miss this talk on creating a stronger workforce in Southeast Michigan.

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