People are planning to travel more in 2018 according to CBS This Morning, and Detroit is one of the top destinations.

It’s in good company with Portugal, Malta, the Faroe Islands, Chile, Baja California (in Mexico) and York, Pennsylvania.

“The Motor City is back after decades of neglect,” said CBS News Travel Editor Peter Greenberg. “They’ve restored all the buildings, they’ve restored all the parks, there’s a great restaurant scene along the river… they are really coming back in a big way.”

Since he didn’t get specific, as far as restaurants near the river we’ll point out Sindbads, The Rattlesnake Club, Andiamo Riverfront, and Joe Muer’s in the RenCen.

Obviously, not all the buildings in Detroit have been redone as Greenberg said — there’s a lot of city here — but there has been a lot of progress.  And there’s one shot of downtown Royal Oak in the gallery along with shots of the QLINE, Greektown, and the canals on Belle Isle, but hey, metro Detroit, right?