Remember that beautiful old house on the TV show Rehab Addict? The one with Nicole Curtis?

If you remember from that show, there was a lot of space around the Ransom Gillis mansion. Open fields between it and some of the other fortunate old structures to survive.

That’s not the case anymore.

The view of the Ransom Gillis House from one of the apartments at The Lofts at 124 Alfred

City Modern is rising around it. It’s more than 400 units and 24 buildings. The first part of it to open is The Lofts at 124 Alfred.

The Lofts at 124 Alfred are affordable housing for seniors, 55 or older.

On the podcast we go to the grand opening and tell you the story of this affordable senior building with rents of just $400 a month next to a development with prices from $550,000-$850,000 (no, that’s not a typo), talk with the first resident Leonard Walker and Detroit City Council President Pro Tem Mary Sheffield.

We also touch on a couple other stories around town.

You can find the Daily Detroit podcast for free on Apple Podcasts or wherever you download your favorite shows.