Over the last fifteen years, Michael Matthews rode along with officers of the Detroit Police Department. He had extraordinary access to the day to day life of the Motor City’s men and women in blue.
His new book, “American Ruin: Life And Death On The Streets Of Detroit – America’s Deadliest City” dives into what’s happening in a variety of neighborhoods, with first-hand accounts from his own eyes and on-the-job Detroit cops.
In that time, Matthews – a former London cop and Scotland Yard officer himself – has come to see two Detroits.

One that’s shiny, new and resurgent. New buildings. new residents. One of promise and progress.
And another where children are literally huddled in a house with no water, no heat, no furniture — and a pair of guns.
The truth is that in Detroit, both stories exist. Side by side. Sometimes just one block from each other.
Today’s episode of the Daily Detroit podcast is a conversation between our Sven Gustafson and Michael Matthews. You’ll find that below.
We also have a short excerpt of the book as a downloadable PDF. Please note, it contains a highly offensive slur used in a direct quotation. Download the PDF here.
If you’re interested, you can buy “American Ruin – Detroit: America’s Deadliest City” online here.
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